Getting Started (Windows Universal)

  • Create new project in Visual Studio. The project type needs to be a Windows Universal App.
  • Add reference -> Universal Windows -> Extensions -> Semata.DataStore
  • Using the Designer create a new DataStore.
If you wish to use Object Model Generation do the following:
  • Ensure the DataStore has a name.
  • Create a text template and replace any existing code with this:

    <#@ template debug="true" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
    <#@ output extension=".cs" #>
    <#@ DataStoreCodeGenerator Processor="Semata.CodeGeneratorDirectiveProcessor" #>
    <# GenerateObjectModel(<DataStore file>, <namespace>); #>


    • <DataStore file> is the path of the DataStore relative to the project folder. If it is in the folder, this can just be its name.
    • <namespace> is the namespace the generated code will be placed in.

If you also wish to generate views for the object model do the following:
  • Create a text template and replace any existing code with this:

    <#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
    <#@ output extension=".cs" #>
    <#@ DataStoreCodeGenerator Processor="Semata.CodeGeneratorDirectiveProcessor" #>
    <# GenerateObjectModelViews(<DataStore file>, <object model namespace>, <namespace>); #>


    • <DataStore file> is the path of the DataStore relative to the project folder. If it is in the folder, this can just be its name.
    • <object model namespace> is the namespace that was used for object model generation.
    • <namespace> is the namespace the generated code will be placed in.


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